African Angel Natural Soursop Plus Bitters 16floz / 473ml


Our Natural Soursop Plus Bitters contain juicy, whitish, and romantic fruits combined with roots and herbs. They contain a healthy dose of Vitamin C, B and D and many other vitamins and minerals. This product has several benefits including naturally easing neuro degenerative diseases. Other benefits are: Helping brain disorders Prevention of intellectual loss and lack of concentration INGREDIENTS: Bitter leaf, Aloe ferox, Green tea, Cinnamon, Cayenne Pepper, Ginseng Extract, Ginger Extract DIRECTIONS: Drink 1oz of Soursop tonic morning and evening after food. About Africa Angel Inc:

We believe that with the right kind of nutrition, the human life span can be boosted, and the aging process slowed down. Our goal is to help you live a healthy, happy life, free of the negative side effects of modern medication.