African Angel GreenHerb Bitters 16floz / 473ml


SUPER COLON CLEANSE & BODY DETOXIFY Green Herbs Bitter is a potent natural healthy tonic prepared under strict hygienic condition. Green herb bitters helps to flush and detoxify the liver and gallbladder, Dissolve, remove, and clear the kidney from decayed tissues and dead corpuscles, normalizes the function of the kidney, Clean and breakup blood congestion, clear buildup of cholesterol in the arterial walls. BENEFITS: Cleanse the colon Eliminate body parasites Flattens belly and reduces weight Buildup energy Eliminate gas and belly bloating Control Ulcer Abates hemorrhoids and piles Detoxify the skin and remove pimples and acene Abate painful and irregular menstruation if taken with our Natural Female Wellness Tonic Normalizes Pancreases when taken with Diabetic Solution Enhances men sexual enhancement when taken with our Natural Male Enhancement Tonic Expels Phlegm from the Chest, Lungs, Bowel and Waist Refreshes Breath Prevents Malarial, Hepatitis, Hay, Typhoid and Jaundice About Africa Angel Inc:

We believe that with the right kind of nutrition, the human life span can be boosted, and the aging process slowed down. Our goal is to help you live a healthy, happy life, free of the negative side effects of modern medication.