African Angel Diabetes Solution Type 2 Diabetes 16floz / 473ml


About this Tonic: Are you suffering from suppressed menstruation or any female weakness? Our Natural Female Wellness Tonic will help aid in rebuilding a malfunctioning reproductive system, which consists of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tube and such. It helps to stabilize a heavy flowing menstrual period or help regulate and comfort painful menstrual cycles. By using this formula you just might grab a new outlook on life. Helps For Effective sexual & reproductive wellness Dissolves fibroid/ cysts Improves hormonal imbalance Hot flashes Constipation Inflammation of ovaries Prolapsed uterus Urinary track infection Enhance women?? libido Candida Premenstrual syndrome Tension Agitation Bloating & depression Anxiety Restorative General debility About Africa Angel Inc:

We believe that with the right kind of nutrition, the human life span can be boosted, and the aging process slowed down. Our goal is to help you live a healthy, happy life, free of the negative side effects of modern medication.